Monday, October 5, 2015

Prop & Scenery Hullabaloo after field trip

After the field trip on Wed. we will head back to the library to work on the opera sets.  I also have several costumes (mainly for William Tell) for kids to try on.  Below are what we will be working on.  Also, below the below, you will find a list of props that we need but can probably find in our own houses.  Please let me know if you can bring any of those items.  I will need them by October 21st.

Rachel, I think you said you have orange that correct?  Anyone have grey tempera paint and black tempera paint? We need a lot of each.  Can anyone bring large (2" or more) paintbrushes?
Thank you!

William Tell:
houses (any suggestions?)
boat (any suggestions?)

3 Oranges:

3 oranges
horn (anyone have a toy trumpet we could borrow?)
kitchen scene
castle scene
desert scene
medicine bottles

William Tell:
Tall pole
2 Soldier costumes 



 Nightstand with medicine bottles (big medicine bottles would be great) 
Royal Robe/cape for the king
Dr. lab coat
2 thrones

Field trip on Wednesday!

Wed, October 7, 1pm – 2pm

Where:  New Jersey Planetarium, 205 West State Street, Trenton, NJ (map)
Description:  Field trip to the Planetarium. Please arrive early! No late admittance allowed. 

Exit off of Route 29 on Calhoun Street, make a right onto State Street. You will see the Museum on your right. Just past the Museum is the parking garage (on your right). I believe you must show Drivers License to get in. If you park in visitor parking close to the library doors you can go through and eventually get to the planetarium. Parking garage is free. 

We will meet at the planetarium.  If you go through the front doors of the museum, you must go down to the basement to find the planetarium.  Please give yourself time to park and walk to the  meeting place.  Call 609-292-1382 if you have questions that morning.

See you Wednesday!