Monday, September 28, 2015

Opera characters!

I'm excited to start on the operas this week.  Please remember to bring your script with you!  Here is a link to the scripts if needed:

William Tell -

Oranges -


William Tell Opera:
Friend 1, Friend 2, Ruodi - Jamie
Leuthold - Sebastien
Jemmy - Naila (we can change this to Jenny and change son to daughter if needed)
William Tell - Deacon
Ruodi - Sebastien
Gessler - Brody
Rudolph - Daniel
Colman - soldier
Vito - villager

3 Oranges:
Spectator 1, Fata Morgana, Linetta - Phoebe L.
Spectator 2, Herald, Doctor, Nicoletta - Gabby
Spectator 3, King - Lincoln
Eccentric 1, Clarissa, Ninetta - Naya
Extra Eccentrics - Richard, Luke, Nia
Truffaldino - Nia
Prince - Luke
Cook - Richard

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Planetarium Field Trip

The money for the field trip was collected yesterday (thanks Cadi!) and I mailed out a check today to cover 32 people.  Below are who I have on the list.  If you told me you were going, but didn't have the money, I went ahead and covered your can get me the money next week.

The field trip is October 7th at 1:00 at the State Planetarium.  All of the information is on the blog calendar including directions and phone numbers.  Just late admittance.

Kelly, I think the logo you used is great!  Thanks for putting  the contract together.

Thanks everyone!

Phoebe W.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Student Contract

Hi all! I just wanted to share the copy of the Student Contract for those parents who have not seen it yet. I have some signed copies, and I will make sure to get a copy back to them next week. I added the last consequence to make them laugh and have a little fun. I doubt any of the teachers will have the kids smell a stinky sock. :)

I also created a logo, which is at the top. I know it's not "approved" but I wanted to add something to the contract. Let me know what you think.


P.S. This blog won't allow me to upload a PDF, so I hope you can see the jpg. If not, let me know and I can email it to you all.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Co-op tomorrow!

Just a couple of reminders:

1.  Older students should have a 3-ring binder or folder to put papers in.  Also, please have them bring colored pens/pencils and a regular pencil.  We will be sketching tomorrow.

2.  Older students should read the 3 opera stories to be prepared for class tomorrow.

3.  Money for the field trip is due tomorrow.  Cadi will collect the money (thanks Cadi!!!).  Field trip is 10/7 at 1:00 at the Trenton State Museum.

See you tomorrow,

Monday, September 14, 2015

First Day of Co-op on Wednesday 9/16!

Are you excited!  I am!

Just a few things to remember:
If you signed up to bring materials, please bring those on Wednesday.  The materials list and the volunteer list will be available for everyone to look at and sign-up.  We have several moms who signed up to help the first week...thank you!

Things to bring for the classes:
STEM (younger, PK-3rd grade):  disposable water bottles and corks
Astronomy (younger, PK-3rd):  either a folder, 3-ring binder, or something to keep papers in
Astronomy (older, 4th & up):  3-ring binder, either colored pencils or pens, regular pencils.  Wear walking shoes-we will be outside walking for part of the class.

A name has been decided for the Co-op!  We are officially RLTA, or Road Less Traveled Academy.  We will announce our new name to the kids on Wednesday.  Thanks to everyone who gave ideas!

We have a field trip planned for October 7th at the Planetarium.  The cost is $3 per person (adults & children).  Please bring your money either this Wednesday or no later than next Wednesday as I have to send it in 2 weeks before.

See you all on Wednesday!

Saturday, September 12, 2015

STEM Materials List

STEM (Younger)

Disposable water bottles and corks from home
Cost for LED’s and batteries $6.00
Cost $12.00 per car

STEM (Older)

Disposable water bottles and corks from home
Cost for LED’s and batteries $6.00 
Cost $12.00 per car

Older Astronomy Materials List

Astronomy (Older)

*Kelly - tape
*Kelly - String
*Jessica - Paper cups (1 package of at least 20)
*Shauna - Salt
*Cadi - 4 dark poster boards (dark blue or black)
*Chris - Picture hanging wire
*Shauna - Wire hanger
1 cereal box per child or per group, foil, white piece of paper (if inside of cereal box is not white)
Modeling clay
*Shauna - 3/8 X 36" dowel
Stick-on stars
Clear tape
*Shauna - 1/4 X 12" dowel
Plaster of Paris
Petrolium jelly
4 boxes
Wax paper
Metal washer
6' cord
2 Cups dry ice
Bit of ammonia
Bit of dark corn syrup
50 yellow pipe-cleaners
25 green pipe-cleaners
20 Straws
White posterboard
Straight pins
Stuff for rockets (TBA)
Stuff for space station (TBA)
Paper plates (1 package of large thin paper ones)

Younger Astronomy Materials List

Astronomy (Younger)
•    *Bonnie -3 bags of dried beans (one bag needs to be dried peas)
•    Ten-inch paper plates
•    *Carolyn - white cardstock x 7
•    *Heather - Gallon ziplock baggies x 7
•    *Carolyn - Dried pasta
•    *Jessica - tin foil
•    *Heather - white glue
•    *Heather - twine
•    *Carolyn - quart baggies x 7
•    Glitter, clean sand, small glass jars, ribbon
•    Black construction paper
•    Metallic star stickers (several sheets)
•    Pony beads in green, blue, white, yellow, orange, red, black and green, yarn or cord
•    Metallic star stickers
•    *Stephanie - Balloons
•    Pipe cleaners
•    Black construction paper
•    *Stephanie - Craft sticks
•    Masking tape
•    Glue
•    Flour or plaster of Paris, bamboo skewers
•    Coffee filters
•    Black construction paper
•    Brads
•    9” balloons, pop-top cap from liquid soap or water bottle (x7)
•    Rice – one bag
•    Pillow filling
•    3 boxes of similar size
•    “airship” balloons
•    Kite string
•    Plastic straws
•    Coffee filters

Friday, September 11, 2015

Materials for Music

I realized this morning that I never put my materials list up for Music class!!  I will need these items by 10/4.  We will have the field trip to the Planetarium that day & then, those who can & want to, will go back to the library to work on scenery & props.  Please let me know if you have any of these items.

1.  large pieces of cardboard
2.  paint - a variety of colors, but I know we'll need A LOT of orange.
3.  paint brushes - regular sizes, but some large (3")
4.  large blue sheet (King size if possible)
5.  large tan sheet or covering.  This will be for the floor in one scene
6.  large chair to use as a throne.  Possibly will be added to with cardboard
7.  a boat.  Planning to make out of cardboard unless anyone has another idea!  It only needs to fit 2 children

Let me know if you have questions!

Thursday, September 10, 2015

New Co-op name!!!!

Hello ladies!  Thank you for a wonderful time and meeting yesterday!  Below is the list of names the kids came up with yesterday.  We moms get to make the final decision.  Please comment on which name you like the best, or if you have other suggestions, put those down too!  The plan is to have our official name by next Wednesday.  Just a reminder that the address is

1. Group Turtle (does anyone question who suggested this?)
2.  Got Skilz
3.  Group Wardogs
4.  Team Considerate
5.  Gladiators
6.  Alliance
7.  Homeschool Masters
8.  Paper Plate Co-op
9.  L.O.F. (lots of fun)
10.  The Honeybadgers

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Replies for Materials List

Hi everyone!
You can go to to leave your replies about what materials you can bring, or to sign up on the volunteer list (link at the bottom of the Coop Kick-off post).  That will hopefully cut down on the number of emails we are all getting.  Right now, you don't have to sign in to leave a comment.  We can change that later as everyone gets used to the blog.  Also, you should get a notification by email that there is a new post.

See everyone soon!

Saturday, September 5, 2015


Hello!!!  It's almost time for our kickoff!!!  Whahoo!!!!!

As a reminder:

September 9th - Kickoff! 1:30, Mercer County Park by webbed climbing
September 16th - 1:30 Co-op begins!!!!

Please bring:

* name suggestions for our co-op (we'll vote on what to call ourselves!)
* calendars to see when you're available to volunteer in classes or as hall
* $4 per family to Carolyn for Spelling City
* shirts for tie dying (advice from Kelly "Get white, and wash them, don't
use any fabric softener or dryer sheets. Write your name on the tag in
black sharpie. Once the creations are made, they need to sit overnight and
rinsed and washed the next day. I will bring them home and wash them all
together and I'll hand them back the first day of coop. This kit makes 50
shirts, so the adults can play, too! I have gloves and disposable aprons
but I still wouldn't wear your Sunday best that day.  If you could *bring a
small garbage bag or gallon zip bag along with your shirt*, that would be
* any materials from the materials list you can donate.  PLEASE NOTE: there
are multiple items that we will need for several classes (i.e. dried
beans).  Please read over the entire list carefully.  If someone has dried
beans to donate, please reply to all so we don't end up with 10 lbs of
dried beans at the kickoff!  Thanks for your contributions.  We're trying
hard to keep costs down.
Click here for the volunteer sign-up sheet 

Click here for the materials list

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Thank you, Jeff!

This is great Jeff! Thanks for all the work. Heather, when you finish the materials list we can put it up here.