Saturday, September 12, 2015

Younger Astronomy Materials List

Astronomy (Younger)
•    *Bonnie -3 bags of dried beans (one bag needs to be dried peas)
•    Ten-inch paper plates
•    *Carolyn - white cardstock x 7
•    *Heather - Gallon ziplock baggies x 7
•    *Carolyn - Dried pasta
•    *Jessica - tin foil
•    *Heather - white glue
•    *Heather - twine
•    *Carolyn - quart baggies x 7
•    Glitter, clean sand, small glass jars, ribbon
•    Black construction paper
•    Metallic star stickers (several sheets)
•    Pony beads in green, blue, white, yellow, orange, red, black and green, yarn or cord
•    Metallic star stickers
•    *Stephanie - Balloons
•    Pipe cleaners
•    Black construction paper
•    *Stephanie - Craft sticks
•    Masking tape
•    Glue
•    Flour or plaster of Paris, bamboo skewers
•    Coffee filters
•    Black construction paper
•    Brads
•    9” balloons, pop-top cap from liquid soap or water bottle (x7)
•    Rice – one bag
•    Pillow filling
•    3 boxes of similar size
•    “airship” balloons
•    Kite string
•    Plastic straws
•    Coffee filters


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