Saturday, September 5, 2015


Hello!!!  It's almost time for our kickoff!!!  Whahoo!!!!!

As a reminder:

September 9th - Kickoff! 1:30, Mercer County Park by webbed climbing
September 16th - 1:30 Co-op begins!!!!

Please bring:

* name suggestions for our co-op (we'll vote on what to call ourselves!)
* calendars to see when you're available to volunteer in classes or as hall
* $4 per family to Carolyn for Spelling City
* shirts for tie dying (advice from Kelly "Get white, and wash them, don't
use any fabric softener or dryer sheets. Write your name on the tag in
black sharpie. Once the creations are made, they need to sit overnight and
rinsed and washed the next day. I will bring them home and wash them all
together and I'll hand them back the first day of coop. This kit makes 50
shirts, so the adults can play, too! I have gloves and disposable aprons
but I still wouldn't wear your Sunday best that day.  If you could *bring a
small garbage bag or gallon zip bag along with your shirt*, that would be
* any materials from the materials list you can donate.  PLEASE NOTE: there
are multiple items that we will need for several classes (i.e. dried
beans).  Please read over the entire list carefully.  If someone has dried
beans to donate, please reply to all so we don't end up with 10 lbs of
dried beans at the kickoff!  Thanks for your contributions.  We're trying
hard to keep costs down.
Click here for the volunteer sign-up sheet 

Click here for the materials list


  1. You can sign up on the volunteer sheet. Just post a comment if you are bringing some of the materials. Thanks!

  2. I can bring the ziplock bags, if no one else has volunteered to so do

  3. we may want to still have a list for the kick off of what materials are needed as we are still orienting ourselves to the blog. this is jessica btw :)


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